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Rose Quartz

Pink Quartz – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Pink Quartz is a variety of Quartz which is a silicate mineral. It is a crystal of primary formation which means it was formed from molten magma. This usually happens in cavities in volcanoes where the combination of chemistry and structural arrangements of mineral deposits, atoms and substances pass from gas or liquid into a solid state or by means of going out of solution by precipitation or evaporation.


Trace particles of titanium, iron or manganese that integrate with the silica acid particles during transformation gives the quartz its beautiful pink colour. Otherwise the formation would appear colourless.


The rare type of pink quartz known as crystalline rose quartz is formed when particles of aluminium or phosphate become ingrained in the formation.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Pink Quartz crystals belong to the Trigonal system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Pink Quartz has been traced through archeological reference as far back as 7000 BC through the finding of rose quartz beads in Mesopotamia.


Native American tribes referred to rose quartz amulets as the love stone and in Egypt it was thought to prevent aging. In Roman times the gem was used as a seal to show ownership.


It is widely used as a gem worldwide and can be sourced, mainly as a secondary commercial mining process, in locations that include Madagascar and Brazil among others.


Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Pink Quartz has a vitreous luster and is transparent to transluscent. It has a conchoidal, brittle fracture and a weak fluorescence. The gem has a Mohs Scale Rating of 7 on the hardness scale.



Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
There are many different varieties of Quartz, major types include and are not limited to;


  • Agate
  • Chalcedony
  • Onyx
  • Jasper
  • Citrine
  • Amethyst
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Milky Quartz
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Rock Crystal
  • Aventurine
  • Prasiolite
  • Rutilated Quartz
  • Carnelian
  • Dumortierite Quartz



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Pink Quartz crystals.


Mental: Pink Quartz is a soothing crystal that promotes a calm and gentle ambience. It brings to reality the actions achieved towards doing thigs that one enjoys doing.
Emotional: Pink Quartz enhances personal talent and brings a joy of life and living. It instills a liveliness and cheerfulness within.
Physical: Pink Quartz is a calming stone for the nerves and helps to sooth over wrought senses. The stone delivers a sense of well being.


Crystal Chart – Pink Quartz


Crystal: Pink Quartz
Mineralogy: Pink Crystalline Quartz
Geometric form: Trigonal
Formation: Primary
Family: Quartz
Birthstone: Pink Quartz is associated with the astrological signs of Taurus and Libra.
Appearance: Vitreous luster, transparent to translucent with a conchoidal, brittle fracture.
Aura: Pink Quartz is used to bring auric calm by clearing out all negative energies associated with anger, jealousy and greed.
Colour: Dusky Pink
Chakra: Pink Quartz is primarily associated with the Heart Chakra as it opens the heart to love, self-love and well being.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Garnet Hessonite – International Crystals Encyclopedia 
Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Hessonite is a variety of Grossular which, in turn, is a calcium aluminium variety of the Garnet gemstone group. Grossular is found in contact metamorphosed limestones with wernerite, wollastonite, diopside and vesuvianite. 

Hessonite is found in placer deposits mainly in India and Sri Lanka and its source in it’s native matrix sometimes occurs. Other significant deposits can be found in California and Brazil.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Hessonite crystals belong to the Isometric system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Hessonite is also referred to as cinnamon stone and has long been mistaken for other stones such as Zircon. These zircon termed stones, which were notable for their ability to be engraved, where shown many years ago to be Hessonite by Sir AH Church, due to the differentiation in the gravity of the stone. 

The name derives from the Greek word Hesson, which means inferior. This was due to the density of the stone being lower than many of the other Garnet varieties.


The stone is mainly mined in India and Sri Lanka and is used extensively for jewellery due to its attractive brown to orange colouring.




Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Hessonite is an uncommon crystal  that is defined by its charcteristic brown/orange colour. The reference to its inferiority defined by its name determined by the low hardness and density of the stone. The hardness measures 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale compared to the 7.5 average of most other garnets.


The crystal has a conchoid to uneven fracure with a vitreous to greasy luster and a single or anomalous double refractive optical property.


Hessonite crystal is used widely in jewellery, similar to the Zircon gem.


Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Hessonite is a unique gem that is a variety of the Garnet mineral species. The garnet varieties include but are not limited to; 

  • Grossular
  • Hydrogrossular
  • Melanite
  • Rhodolite
  • Spessartine
  • Pyrope



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world. 

Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Hessonite crystals.


Mental: Hessonite aids in the appreciation of ones abilities and gives confidence in creativity and self-expression.
Emotional: Hessonite gives clarity into emotion and helps to sooth emotional agitation. It brings confidence of expression into social situations.
Physical: The crystal aids in the regulation of the hormone balance in the cases of the hypo and hyper function of glands. It also strengthens the liver and kidneys.


Crystal Chart – Hessonite


Crystal: Hessonite
Mineralogy: Grossular containing iron.
Geometric form: Isometric
Formation: Tertiary
Family: Silicates
Birthstone: Hessonite is associated with the Astrological signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Aries. 


Appearance: Conchoid to uneven fracure with a vitreous to greasy luster and a single or anomalous double refractive optical property.
Aura: Hessonite is explorative and enhancing in the auric energy as it is used as an energy guide to journey to a destination.
Colour: Hessonite appears as a vivd brownish/orange colour..
Chakra: Hessonite is associated with the Root Chakra and can also enhance psychic abilities when placed on the Third Eye Chakra.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Kunzite (Spodumene) – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Kunzite, a variety of spodumene, is a chain silicate that consists of lithium aluminium inosilicate which is a pyroxene mineral. It is a pink to lilac colour variety with the colour derived from traces of manganese.


It occurs in lithium rich granite , aplites and pegmatites and significant sources are found in the localities of Afghanistan, Brazil, Australia and Madagascar, among others.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Kunzite crystals belong to the Monoclinic system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Kunzite was discovered in 1902, so has a very recent documented mineral history. It was named after the noted mineralogist and Chief Jeweller (at the time) of Tiffany & Co; George Frederick Kunze.


It is embedded in a noteable piece of jewellery, the Russian Palmette Tiara, which has been worn by the Duchess of Gloucester.


Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Kunzite has an uneven to subconchoidal fracture with a brittle tenacity. The stone has a vitreous luster which is pearly on the cleavage and can contain a white streak.


Pleochoism is srong in Kunzite and measures 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale rating of hardness.


Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Kunzite is a variety of Spodumene of which Hiddenite is also another variety. Associated minerals to Spodumene include but are not limited to:


  • Albite
  • Quartz
  • Petalite
  • Eucryptite
  • Beryl
  • Lepidolite



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Kunzite crystals.


Mental: Kunzite is an aid in the acceptance of criticism.It strengthens tolerance and promotes a willingness to serve. It is a contemplative stone that promotes loving thoughts.
Emotional: Kunzite increases empathy and strengthens humility.  It provides peace and heals heartache.
Physical: Kunzite releases constraints and tension in the heart. It is an aid to toothache and alleviates neuralgia and static neuralgia.


Crystal Chart – Kunzite


Crystal: Kunzite
Mineralogy: Pink Chain Silicate
Geometric form: Monoclinic
Formation: Primary
Family: Silicates
Birthstone: Kunzite is associated with the Astrological signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Leo.
Appearance: Uneven to subconchoidal fracture with a brittle tenacity. The stone has a vitreous luster which is pearly on the cleavage and can contain a white streak
Aura: Kunzite is a highly spiritual stone that promotes love and peace and clears the aura of negativity.
Colour: Colours range from clear, colourless, lilac and pink.
Chakra: Kunzite is a stone of high vibration that is associated with the activation of the Heart Chakra. It aligns this with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Mookaite – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Mookaite is a formation mix of Jasper and Opalite that is sourced from the Australian, Mooka Creek in the Western Kennedy Ranges. It is a locally named term for a mineral that is geologically classed as a Windalia Radiolarite.


Radiolarite is a siliceous sedimantary rock that is classed as chert like, fine grained and homogeneous. It was always asserted that radiolarite was found in pelagic, deep water conditions yet they have been found to occur in sedimentary shallow limestone conditions. The sinking of the sedimentation is quite rapid and, in that process, dissolution occurs that affects the skelton formation of the mineral which can develop to chalcedony and cryptocrystalline quartz dependant on the temperature at sinking phase.


Mookaite refers to the formational pattern of the type of Radiolarite found in the Western Australian location which contains radiolara, foraminifera and calcareous nanoplankton fossils. It contains vari-coloured opaline which gives it an attractive quality for the crafting of gem stones.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Mookaite crystals belong to the Trigonal system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Mookaite is a popular gem stone in Australia. It is said that the area where sourced was once part of an ocean long receded. That ocean left an inland sea, which, when that dried, left millions of organisms of skeletal remains that absorbed iron rich minerals. This formation left this type of stone unique to the area and is around 120 million years old.


Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Mookaite has an opaque transparency and a vitreous to dull luster. The stone measures 7 on the Mohs Scale of hardness rating and has a splintery, conchoidal fracture.


It is fully natural, only enhanced by tumbing, cutting and polishing processes.




Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Mookaite is unique for the type of stone formed from its location. It is associated with radiolarite minerals.




Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Mookaite crystals.


Mental: Mookaite allows for choice as it opens up all the paths of possibility and guides you to the most suitable one. It enhances the flexibility of choice in these situations.
Emotional: The stone is fun! It promotes variety and joyfulness and increases the intensity of experience.
Physical: Mookaite is an aid to the healing of wounds and enhances the purification of blood. It strengthens the immune system, liver and spleen.


Crystal Chart – Mookaite


Crystal: Mookaite
Mineralogy: Mixture of Jasper and Opalite
Geometric form: Trigonal/Amphorous
Formation: Secondary
Family: Silicates
Birthstone: Mookaite is associated with the Astrological Signs of Scorpio and Virgo.
Appearance: Splintery, conchoidal fracture, opaque transparency and a vitreous to dull luster.
Aura: Mookaite provides connections to the earth energies and is a powerful healing stone that gives intuitive understanding on a deeper level.
Colour: Colours range from red, purple, yellow and white.
Chakra: Mookaite is associated primarily with the Root Chakra allowing the deeper alignment of energy balance between this and the Third Eye and Solar Plexus Chakras.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Dolomite derives its name after the French mineralogist Deodat de Dolomieu. Dolomite can be found in Algeria,Brazil,Switzerland,Namibia,Spain,Great Britain,India,Mexico,Italy,Australia and in the United States.

Dolomite is a common sedimentary rock and mineral found in massive beds. It is comprised of calcium magnesium carbonate. Dolomite is also sedimentary carbonate rock which is composing primarily of mineral dolomite also known as dolostone.

Dolomite forms white, tan, grey or pink crystals. It can also occur in colourless, white, pink green, grey, brown and black colours. Its lustre is quite vitreous and pearly. Small amounts of iron in the crystal give a yellow to brown tint.

It is a double carbonate with a structure comprised of calcium and magnesium. Crystal twinning is common in dolomite.  Dolomite forms with the help of sulphate-reducing bacteria and in natural environments rich in organic matter and microbial cell surfaces.

Dolomite is used for ornamental stone, concrete aggregate, a source of magnesium oxide and Pidgeon process for the production of magnesium.  It is a vital petroleum reservoir rock. Dolomite is used in the production of float glass and in the ceramic industry as glaze for pottery. It is added to soils as a pH buffer and as a magnesium source. It is also used as the substrate in main aquariums to help buffer changes in pH of the water.

Dolomite is very similar to Calcite, to distinguish between them one must compare the hardness and acid reaction of both.


It helps to strengthen bones, teeth, muscles and the female reproductive system. It reduces the effects of PMS. Pink dolomite is good for Insomnia. Dolomite helps build the body including muscular structure and blood cells. It helps relieve chills and treating disorders associated with adrenal glands and urogenital system. It is a great support for weight loss and regulating the metabolism.


Dolomite encourages charitable actions, generosity   and giving of all kinds. It promotes energetic thinking, original thinking, spontaneity, creativity and manifestation. It stops energy leaks from the chakras. It relieves sorrow, loneliness and anxiety.  Dolomite helps one achieve calm and centred sense of balance. Dolomite is a stone of moderation; it provides balance and an objective point of view while directing one away from unrealistic dreams to the right path and ones true purpose. It helps open the heard and reminds one to appreciate the small things and mundane experiences. It helps overcome harmful behaviours and habits and supports one in acting in loving way towards one’s body.


Dolomite provides centring and grounding making it a wonderful crystal for meditation.


Mineral : Carbonate
Geometric Form : Hexagonal
Formation : Primary
Family: Rock Forming Mineral
Colour Ray: Vary
Birthstone: Aries
Appearance: White vitreous pearly
Aura: Vary
Colour: White grey to pink
Chakra: Crown


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The name beryl is derived from a number of languages including Latin, old French, Middle English, Greek, Prakrit, German and Dutch.

Beryl is a mineral composed of beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate. They are hexagonal crystals and rarely come in terminated form. Beryl often crystallizes in a perfect six sided hexagons, their crystals are individual prismatic hexagons. The can appear in short stubby form or tabular and plates. The bases of beryls are flat and pyramidal terminations are rare.

Pure beryl is transparent to opaque and colourless but often tinted by impurities. Green beryl heat treated can produce a sky blue aquamarine colour.

Beryl comes in various colours in granitic pegmatites but also occurs in mic schist in the Ural Mountains and limestone in is found in Europe Norway Austria Germany and Sweden Ireland Russia Brazil Colombia Madagascar Mozambique South Africa USA and Zambia.

Beryl has two varieties which include aquamarine, maxixe, emerald, golden beryl, yellow helidor, goshenite, pink morganite and red beryl. Pure beryl is colourless, it is the impurities which cause it to colour in variety.

Aquamarine is the second most popular gem beryl. It has a distinct greenish blue to blue colour which is caused by iron oxides within the chemical makeup of the stone. Light coloured stone in this colour range are still called aquamarine. The stone that are richly coloured are the most sought after. The pale stone are made for inexpensive jewellery.

The name Aquamarine derives from the Latin aqua marinus, meaning “water of the sea” and refers to its sparkling ocean-like colour. It was believed to be the treasure of mermaids and was used by sailors as a talisman of good luck, fearlessness and protection. It channels clear and heartfelt communication.

Aquamarine differs from emerald as it has fewer inclusions and fractures. Most costume jewellery is the eye clean without visible fractures. The colour of aquamarine can be enhanced through heating.



It is a stone of breath, the respiratory tract and lungs. It can help heal sinus conditions and coughing. It helps hay fever and other allergies. It relieves colds and bronchitis. As a cooling stone is helps counteract infections for laryngitis, strep throat or sore throat. It harmonises the pituitary and thyroid glands, regulating hormones and growth. It supports the healing of inflammatory diseases


It helps balance excessive anger or fear and, clears past emotional, physical or verbal abuse. It is useful; for transition and changes both physically and emotionally.

It is a calming, soothing and cleansing crystal. It helps overcome fear of speaking especially without anger in difficult situations. It bestows perseverance, discipline and light heartedness. It utilizes compromise and negotiation and gives courage and clarity.


It is a stone of natural justice.

It emits a gentle, compassionate energy, promoting moderation and responsibility for ones actions.

The magnetism on the moon will enhance the iron oxides in the stone increasing’s its forecasting abilities.



Mineral : Cyclosilicate
Geometric Form : Hexagonal
Formation : Secondary
Family: Beryl
Colour Ray: Vary 
Birthstone: October 
Appearance: Vitreous to resinous 
Aura: Vary
Colour: Blue green pink yellow colourless etc
Chakra: Vary with colour


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Calcite – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.

Calcite is a carbonate mineral of secondary formation that is common to sedimentary rocks, including limestone, yet much of which is formed from the shells of long dead marine organisms.


Calcite forms in two stages. The particles from amorphous calcium carbonate dehydrate and crystallize to appear as individual particles of vaterite in the first stage. The second stage is slower where the vaterite transforms through a dissolution and reprecipitation mechanism, into calcite.


Calcite can also be found in volcanic rocks such as kimberlites, carbonatites and rarely in peridotites.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Calcite crystals belong to the Trigonal system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Calcite comes from the Greek word Chalix which means lime. This could be linked to its common appearance in limestone rocks.


The formation is one of the most common minerals on planet earth and is estimated to make up about 4% in weight of the planet earth’s crust.


Calcite is found in many cave formations of which the majority, including stalagmites and stalactites are made from Calcite.


The crystal is found all over the world. Notable deposits include Palm Wash, California, Iceland, Mexico, Germany, Brazil, England, India and Africa.

Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Calcites come in many different shapes and colours. They can form obtuse to acute, tabular, prismatic and as various scalenohedra.


Single calcite can stand out for its refraction where the optical property birefringence appears and causes objects viewed through the crystal to appear doubled.


As it is a soft crystal with a Moh hardness of 3 it is rarely used as jewellery, instead it is more a collectors stone.


Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
There are many different varieties of Calcite, these include and are not limited to;


  • Angel Wing Calcite
  • Blue Calcite
  • Cobalto Calcite
  • Green Calcite
  • Honey Calcite
  • Mangano Calcite
  • Optical Calcite
  • Red Calcite



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Calcite crystals.


Mental: Calcite is known for the stone of the mind and is associated with students and academics. It promotes confidence in thinking and improves the memory. It allows for increased power of discernment and gives the ability to react quickly in mental situations.
Emotional: Calcite is a calming, centering stone that aids in inward strength and stability.  It improves development and confidence in the outward appearance.
Physical: Calcite aids in the fortification of bones, teeth mucous membrane, connective tissue and intestine. It also promotes healthy growth in children.


Crystal Chart – Calcite


Crystal: Calcite
Mineralogy: Calcium Carbonate
Geometric form: Trigonal
Formation: Secondary
Family: Carbonate
Birthstone: Calcite is associated with the Astrological sign of Cancer.
Apperance: Glass like, waxy lustre, white streak, translucent, striped, banded.
Aura: Calcite is a strong cleanser of energy allowing for greater amplification of the energy within the Aura. It clears negative and old energies to open channels for greater energies to pass through.
Colour: Colours range from blue, black, clear, golden, pink, red, yellow and white among others.
Chakra: Calcite aligns with a variety of Chakras dependent on the colour of the crystal.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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