Agate – This is our research and findings into this mineral.
The place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Agate derives its name from the Greek philosopher and naturalist who discovered the stone along the river Achates’ shoreline in the 3rd century BC.
Many colourful agates and chalcedonies were obtained from the river now called Dirillo in Sicily.
Agate was also discovered amongst Neolithic artefacts.
The past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or something, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Agate comes from the Greek word Agateeq which means happy.
Human use of agate crystal can be traced as far back as stone age France circa 20,000BC. It was valued in ancient civilisation as they thought that the user would become invisible. They also used Agate to protect from fever and quench thirst.
Medieval civilisations used agate to protect from danger and bring victory and strength; Agate was also used to favour the Gods.
Agate has a lower intensity and vibration than most yet is regarded as being grounded and stabilised.
The act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something
Agate /ˈæɡət/ is a common rock formation, consisting of chalcedony and quartz as its primary components, consisting of a wide variety of colours.
Diaphaneity: Translucent
Specific gravity: 2.58–2.64
Refractive index: 1.530–1.540
Birefringence: up to +0.004 (B-G)
Mohs Scale: 7 to 7.5
A number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
There are many forms of Agate, and they include:
Blue Lace
Crazy Lace
Esoteric Attributes
A quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Mental – Prevents insomnia, promotes pleasant dreams,
helps truthfulness, increases concentration, calms fear and stress
Spiritual – Depending on the agate used. Reach new levels of awareness in meditation
Physical – Helps cure skin diseases. Helps bone marrow. It keeps the blood healthy. Enhances fertility, allergy relief
Crystal Chart
Mineralogy: Agate
Geometric form: Various depending on the type of Mineral
Formation: Primary
Family: Chalcedony
Birthstone: Depending on the Mineral
Appearance: Each agate is unique in appearance
Aura: Depending on the Mineral
Colour: Variety of Colour, includes black, green, white, yellow, blue, grey and brown
Chakra: Depending on the Mineral
Gemzworld Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001
The word “quartz” comes from the German “Quarz” which is a Slavic origin. Quartz is regarded as the mystical substance mabanin Australian Aboriginal mythology. The crystal can be found in many passage tombs in Europe. In prehistoric Ireland it was used for stone tools, the Irish word for quartz is grian cloch meaning “stone of the sun”. Clear Quartz has been valued by many civilisations as far back as Atlantis and the Egyptians.
Quartz is the second most abundant mineral in the earth’s crust after fieldspar.It is composed of a framework of silicon-oxygen tetrahedral with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedral.
Quartz belongs to the trigonal formation system. An ideal crystal shape is six sided prism terminating with six sided prisms at each end. Nicolas Stenos study of quartz revealed quartz crystals size and shape to have long prism faces always joined at a perfect 60 degree angle.
Well-formed crystals usually form in a bed with unconstrained growth. Doubly terminated crystals forms occur where they develop freely without attachment.
A quartz geode is such a situation where the void is approximately spherical in shape, lined with a bed of crystals pointing inward.
Quartz crystals have piezoelectric properties; they develop an electric potential upon the application of mechanical stress.
Not all varieties of quartz are naturally occurring, some can be treated used heat or gamma-irradiation to induce colour.
Quartz is a vital constituent of granite and other felsic igneous rocks. It is most common in sedimentary rocks such as sandstone, shale, carbonate rocks, schist, gneiss, quartzite and other metamorphic rocks.
A major area of mining for quartz is the Spruce Pine Gem Mine in Spruce Pine, North Carolina in the U.S.
There are many varieties of quartz which include Chalcedony, Agate, Onyx, Jasper, Aventurine, Tiger’s Eye, Rock Crystal, Amethyst, Citrine, Prasiolite, Rose Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Milky Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Carnelian, and Dumortierite Quartz.
Enhances energy flow, reduces swelling and pain. Helpful to stop bleeding and has a soothing and positive effect on the skin. Clear quartz reawakens those parts of the body that have been asleep, paralysed, numb or cold.
Emotionally clear quartz supports our limitations and boundaries. It helps to allow our left and right brain hemispheres to work in harmony.
Known as the master healer, clear quartz opens ones intuition and strengthens our own point of view. It encourages development for our inner growth. Clear quartz opens us up to the knowledge we thought we had lost. It is also a stone for enhancement.
Native Americans to this day still place a clear quartz crystal in the crib or cradle of a new born. Clear quartz enhances the power and effect of other crystals.
Clear Quartz is a most common crystal known as “The Master Healer”. It energizes and activates your chakras. It amplifies the energy of any other gemstone it touches, making it an ideal crystal to use with others. When a cluster absorbs negative energy there is no need to cleanse it as the crystal dissipates the negativity itself due to the different vibrations of all the crystals vibrating together which act as a natural form of cleansing.
Clear Quartz can be programmed to assist you in manifesting things you desire.
Clear Quartz strengthens all positive forces within you encouraging positive steps for personal growth. It aids in amplifying intentions, reducing stress, centring whilst protecting you by enhancing white light. It brings strength and clarity to the mind, aiding concentration and memory retention. It raises energies to the highest level while enhancing psychic ability and intuition.
It is an ideal crystal for gridding and conducive for understanding messages in dreams. It is also a respected stone for death in many cultures
Origin – the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Selenite refers to the crystalline varieties of gypsum that can also include gypsum flower, desert rose and satin spar.
They are formulated from calcium sulfate dihydrate which means that there are two molecules of water within. Selenite can be sourced from the rock or matrix or can also be found typically in clay beds in free form structure. They may be found with trace inclusions and fossils contained within.
All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Selenite crystals belong to the Monoclinic system.
History – the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Gypsum was known in old english as spaerstan meaning spear stone, it is also thought to have derived from the Greek word , gypsos, meaning plaster or chalk.It was used to form plaster of paris due to its ability to harden when put through a hydrated/dehydrated process.
The name Selenite is thought to have derived from either the Greek word Lithos, the middle English term, selinete or the Latin term selenites which means stone of the moon or moonstone.
In ancient times the belief was that some of the crystals that formed transparently were waxed and connected by the moon. As Selenite is the variety of Gypsum that forms in transparent crystalline masses, it has been reffered to by this name since the 15th Century.
Specification – the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Selenite is transulscent and only shows colour if other minerals or druse are present. They can form with a bladed rosette habit in columnar crystals that take on a decorative shape. It is a soft mineral that measures 2 on the Mohs scale rating of hardness.
Varieties – a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Selenite is a crystalline variety of Gypsum, others include and are not limited to;
Desert Rose
Satin Spar
Gypsum Flower
Esoteric Attributes – a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.
Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.
The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Selenite crystals.
Mental: Selenite is an aid to the dissolution of personal patterns and fortifies the use of concious perception.
Emotional: Selenite calms unwarranted irritations and hyperactivity. It is a shielding stone that aids as a strong-hold and strengthens control.
Physical: Selenite is a pain reliever that also helps to strengthen and firm up the tissues.
Crystal Chart – Selenite
Fibrous Calcium Sulphate
Geometric form:
Selenite is associated with the astrological signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn.
A soft stone that measures 2 on the Mohs Scale Rating of hardness. Selenite is transluscent with a pearly luster.
Selenite is used for clearing auric energy effectively.
Transluscent or appears with colour when inclusions or druse are contained within.
Selenite is primarily associated with the Sacral chakra and is a strong help to the upper Chakras.
International Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001
Origin – the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Moss Agate is a crystal type of Agate and is formed from silicon dioxide. The moss terminology refers to the green coloured minerals, that include metal impurities such as iron or chrome, formed within the agate that has a similar appearance and pattern of moss.
Agate is a crystal of primary formation which means it was formed from molten magma. This usualy happens in cavities in volcanoes where the combination of chemistary and structural arrangements of mineral deposits, atoms and substances pass from gas or liquid into a solid state or by means of going out of solution by precipitation or evaporation.
Agate is made up of silicon dioxide a variety of Chalcedony which is a part of the Quartz family. The intricate bands found in Agate crystals is said to be a result of saline water trapped in the gas. When it starts to cool it begins to fight the iron in the lava by pushing off the walls of its cavaties creating a rippling effect and subsequent beauty in its formation.
Although Agate crystals are often found in volcanic rocks they can also be found in many other rocks including metamorphic rocks.
All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Moss Agate crystals belong to the Trigonal system.
History – the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Ancient myth tells the story of this interesting and unique crystal stone being found in the Achates river in Sicily which was a Greek colony at the time.
The river is now know as the Drillo River but the old Greek word ‘Agateec’ which means happy was adopted as this beautiful crystals name. A greek philosopher named Theophrastus is said to have discovered the stone between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC.
Agate is said to have been widely used in ancient Egypt and became popular throughout the middle ages in Europe. It has grown in popularity over the years mainly due to its unique and interesting desings. Agate and its diffiring variants are now widley sought throughout the world.
Specification – the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
In its raw form Agates are rough and need to be polished down to reveal the stones true form and unique style. Agates come in many different colours and each one will be different in design. Many Agate crystals have a band like design running through them, somewhat similar to the rings on an old tree.
Agate is a very strong stone and is specifically good at resisting acids. It is also widly used to create ornaments and jewlery. It comes in a variety of shapes, sizes and pattrens and is know for its glass like apperance when polished.
Varieties – a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
There are many different varieties of Agate, these include and are not limited to;
Fire Agate
Fortification Agate
Lace Agate or Crazy Lace
Agate, pink, Apricot Agate
Agate red, Blood Agate
Dendritic Agate
Eye Agate
Layered Agate, Banded Agate
Snakeskin Agate
Star Agate
Tubular Agate
Agate, white Peace Agate
Agate, white/black Zebra Agate
Esoteric Attributes – a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.
Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.
The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Moss Agate crystals.
Mental: Agate crystals are said to help a person enhance their sense of reality and develop pragmatic thinking skills. Moss agate gives alertness to the mind and strengthens communication.
Emotional: Agate crystals can be used to assist a person develop an inner stability and composure within themselves and aids one to harness their maturity. It releases pressure and strain of emotional issues. It is also a very good crystal for building self confidence, security and warmth.
Physical: Moss Agate is an aid to reducing fever as well as providing relief from persistant infections, colds and coughs. It is a cleanser of the respiratory, lymph and tissue tracts.
Crystal Chart – Moss Agate
Moss Agate
Chalcedony with Green Dendrites
Geometric form:
Moss Agate is associated with the Astrological sign of Virgo.
Transluscent to opaque with a variable fluorescence. The stone has a vitreous luster and measures 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale rating.
Agate crystals are often used to remove and transform negative energy from the aura and can help cleanse and stabilize it bringing about a calmer and more balanced energy flow within.
Colours range from gray, white, transparent and green. It contains a green moss like impurity pattern within the stone.
Agates can help remove blocks within all the chakra, with specific colours being more atuned to their coresponding chakra.
International Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001
Jade or Nephrite derives its name from the Greek word “nephros” meaning kidney. Jade was long considered an “imperial gem”. Jade has long been an esteemed majestic stone in the Chinese empire similar to diamonds and gold in western countries. Widely considered an elite stone it was presented to the Chinese imperial court where skilled artisans turned them into masterpieces. Jade was widely used in the making of Chinese scholars’ objects like calligraphy brushes, mouthpieces and opium pipes. Nephrite jade can be found in China for utilitarian and ceremonial purposes, from indoor and decorative items to jade burial sites. Indigenous tribes in Mexico, central and South America and New Zealand carved jade into deity masks and ritual artefacts.
Jade is comprised of metamorphic rocks called silicate minerals called Nephrite and Jadeite. These are then classified into grades in the ABC Treatment System. Nephrite is a calcium magnesium silicate while jadeite is a sodium aluminium silicate. Each has different compositions, hardness, densities and crystal structures.
Nephrite is usually a creamy white form, mid to deep olive green, brown and black. It has a smooth surface polish and the most common form of jade. Jadeite comes in blue, lavender mauve, pink and emerald green. Different colours were imported to Burma in 1800. It is hard and lustrous, rarer than Nephrite and more valuable. Imperial Jade is the rarest and most treasured form.
It is a powerful cleansing stone. It aids the spleen, kidneys and supra-adrenal glands, removing toxins and balancing fluids. It helps treats reproductive disorders. Imperial jade is most useful for the healing process after surgery.
Jade is a dream stone it releases negative thoughts, irritability and soothes the mind it helps release ones limitation one has put on oneself. It helps access the spiritual world, encourages creativity and dream interpretation. It is the stone of serenity in the midst of a storm. It recharges energy and heals feelings of guilt. It is a crystal of love and supports new love. It provides confidence, self-assurance, self-reliance and self suffiency.
Other varieties include:
Brown Jade is grounding. It connects to the earth and provides comfort and reliability.
Lavender Jade alleviates emotional hurt and provides spiritual nourishment. Its energy is of the highest etheric spectrum.
Orange Jade brings joy and teaches the interconnectedness of all beings. It is energetic and quietly stimulating.
Purple Jade encourages mirth and happiness, and purifies one’s aura. It dispels the negative and increases one’s level of discernment.
Red Jade is a stone of life-force energy, dispelling fear that holds one back, and urges one to action.
White Jade filters distractions, pulls in relevant, constructive information and aids in decision making.
Yellow Jade is cheerful and energetic, a stone of assimilation and discrimination.
It is most valued for its metaphysical properties. It is used widely as a protective talisman while traveling and an amulet of good luck and friendship.
Origin – the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Lapis Lazuli is a vibrant, deep blue coloured rock whose significant component is lazurite which is a feldspathoid silicate mineral.
It can also contain pyrite, sodalite and calcite as well as mica, hornblende, augite and diopside among other constituents. The stone occurs as a result of contact metamorphism in crystalline marble.
All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Lapis Lazuli does not belong to a particular crystal system as it is a rock. Its main component, Lazurite, occurs as a dodecahedra.
History – the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Lapis Lazuli was mined as far back as the 7th Millenium BC in the Sar-i-Sang mines in the Badakhstan region of northeast Afghanistan.
It has been found in beads in Neolithic burials and was said to have appeared in the form of eyebrows on the funeral mask of King Tutankhamun.
On export to Europe in the middle ages, the stone was ground and used as a deep blue pigment which was employed by the important artists of the Renaissance and Baroque such as Perugino and Vermeer. It was also used on the clothing of these figures; a prime example being the cloak of the Virgin Mary.
Significant sources of Lapiz Lazuli are found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chile and Russia.
Specification – the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Lapiz Lazuli has an uneven conchoidal fracture and appears with a dull luster. The stone has a gravity of 2.7-2.9 and a hardness rating on the Mohs scale of 5-5.5.
It is prized for its intense colour which is caused by the presence of the S3 radical anion and is synthesised, for commercial purposes, using the Gibson process of simulation.
When polished, Lapiz Lazuli can be made into ornamentation, carvings, jewellery and other craft items. Its use as a pigment ended in the 19th century when a chemical alternative was formed.
Varieties – a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
As well as Lapiz Lazuli, the addition of Calcite creates the mineral that is known as Spotted Lapis.
Esoteric Attributes – a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.
Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.
The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Lapis Lazuli crystals.
Mental: Lapis Lazuli helps one to express the truth clearly and with clarity. It enables moderation of discussion and communication when angry.
Emotional: Lapis Lazuli enhances the ability to be social. It also drives honesty, friendship and dignity.
Physical: Lapis Lazuli helps with the thyroid, nervous and immune system. It regulates the thyroid gland and aids with problems of the nerves, brain, throat, vocal cords and larnyx.
Crystal Chart – Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lasurite Rock: Lattice Silicate
Geometric form:
Metamorphic Rock
Lapis Lazuli is associated with the astrological signs of Sagittarius and Libra.
Lapiz Lazuli has an uneven conchoidal fracture and appears with a dull luster. The stone has a gravity of 2.7-2.9 and a hardness rating on the Mohs scale of 5-5.5.
Lapis Lazuli is a protector and shield against negative energies and psychic attack. It delivers negative energy back to its source.
Deep blue, can have gold, white, gray and indigo inflections.
Lapis Lazuli is strongly associated with the Throat Chakra as it strengthens and clears verbal communication and expression.
International Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001
Origin – the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Mookaite is a formation mix of Jasper and Opalite that is sourced from the Australian, Mooka Creek in the Western Kennedy Ranges. It is a locally named term for a mineral that is geologically classed as a Windalia Radiolarite.
Radiolarite is a siliceous sedimantary rock that is classed as chert like, fine grained and homogeneous. It was always asserted that radiolarite was found in pelagic, deep water conditions yet they have been found to occur in sedimentary shallow limestone conditions. The sinking of the sedimentation is quite rapid and, in that process, dissolution occurs that affects the skelton formation of the mineral which can develop to chalcedony and cryptocrystalline quartz dependant on the temperature at sinking phase.
Mookaite refers to the formational pattern of the type of Radiolarite found in the Western Australian location which contains radiolara, foraminifera and calcareous nanoplankton fossils. It contains vari-coloured opaline which gives it an attractive quality for the crafting of gem stones.
All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Mookaite crystals belong to the Trigonal system.
History – the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Mookaite is a popular gem stone in Australia. It is said that the area where sourced was once part of an ocean long receded. That ocean left an inland sea, which, when that dried, left millions of organisms of skeletal remains that absorbed iron rich minerals. This formation left this type of stone unique to the area and is around 120 million years old.
Specification – the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Mookaite has an opaque transparency and a vitreous to dull luster. The stone measures 7 on the Mohs Scale of hardness rating and has a splintery, conchoidal fracture.
It is fully natural, only enhanced by tumbing, cutting and polishing processes.
Varieties – a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Mookaite is unique for the type of stone formed from its location. It is associated with radiolarite minerals.
Esoteric Attributes – a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.
Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.
The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Mookaite crystals.
Mental: Mookaite allows for choice as it opens up all the paths of possibility and guides you to the most suitable one. It enhances the flexibility of choice in these situations.
Emotional: The stone is fun! It promotes variety and joyfulness and increases the intensity of experience.
Physical: Mookaite is an aid to the healing of wounds and enhances the purification of blood. It strengthens the immune system, liver and spleen.
Crystal Chart – Mookaite
Mixture of Jasper and Opalite
Geometric form:
Mookaite is associated with the Astrological Signs of Scorpio and Virgo.
Splintery, conchoidal fracture, opaque transparency and a vitreous to dull luster.
Mookaite provides connections to the earth energies and is a powerful healing stone that gives intuitive understanding on a deeper level.
Colours range from red, purple, yellow and white.
Mookaite is associated primarily with the Root Chakra allowing the deeper alignment of energy balance between this and the Third Eye and Solar Plexus Chakras.
International Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001
Origin – the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Moonstone is a Feldspar type which is a sodium potassium aluminium silicate. It is formed through metmorphic, sedimentary or magmatic processes.
It is made from two types of Feldspar species; albite and orthoclase which, when interlayed with each other and cooled they separate into alternating, stacked layers.
These layers cause fascinating adularescence when light falls between these layers and are scattered in many directions.
All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Moonstone crystals belong to the Monoclinic system.
History – the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
The beauty of the Moonstone has been used for many Centuries in jewellery. As well as the ancient civilisations both the Greeks and the Romans connected the gem with the lunar deities. The Romans also revered it as they believed it was actually formed from rays that had solidified directly from the moon.
In the Art Nouveau period the stone was used widely and became very popular in jewellery making. The famous French goldsmith, René Lalique created many fine pieces of jewellery with Moonstone, as did many other craftsmen of that time.
Even though there is no natural occurance of the stone in Florida, the State made it their official gem to commemorate the moon landings which took off from that location.
Deposits are found in Armenia, Madagscar, Mexico, Autralia and Norway among other worldwide locations.
Specification – the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Moonstone has a pearly and opalescent metallic iridescence. It is transluscent with a perfect cleavage and an uneven, conchoidal fracture.
Moonstone has a density of 2.56-259 and a measurement of 6-6.5 on the Mohs rating scale.
It is a popular jewellery setting due to its attractive bluish sheen and adularescence qualities.
Varieties – a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
A member of the Feldspar group, Moonstone varieties include and are not limited to;
Rainbow Moonstone
Cat’s Eye Moonstone
Star Moonstone
Esoteric Attributes – a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.
Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.
The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Moonstone crystals.
Mental: Moonstone is an aid to decision making. It also initiates receptive behaviours with regards to impulse and inspiration.
Emotional: Moonstone gives balance to emotional behaviours and limits aggressive tendancies. It increases intuition and gives depth of feelings.
Physical: Moonstone is a aid to sleepwalking and also helps with child birth problems and problems with the menstrual cycle and menopause. It harmonises the hormonal cycle bringing natural rhythms.
Crystal Chart – Moonstone
Feldspar: sodium potassium aluminium silicate
Geometric form:
Feldspar Silicate
Moonstone is associated with the Astrological signs of Libra, Cancer and Scorpio.
Transluscent, opaque with a pearly luster. Moonstone has an uneven, conchoidal fracture and measures 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale rating.
Moonstone balances the energies and creates connections and channels to higher energy frequencies.
White, peach and tan with a blue sheen luster.
Moonstone is primarily associated with the Sacral Chakra as well as being associated with the Third-Eye and Crown Chakras.
International Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001
Dolomite derives its name after the French mineralogist Deodat de Dolomieu. Dolomite can be found in Algeria,Brazil,Switzerland,Namibia,Spain,Great Britain,India,Mexico,Italy,Australia and in the United States.
Dolomite is a common sedimentary rock and mineral found in massive beds. It is comprised of calcium magnesium carbonate. Dolomite is also sedimentary carbonate rock which is composing primarily of mineral dolomite also known as dolostone.
Dolomite forms white, tan, grey or pink crystals. It can also occur in colourless, white, pink green, grey, brown and black colours. Its lustre is quite vitreous and pearly. Small amounts of iron in the crystal give a yellow to brown tint.
It is a double carbonate with a structure comprised of calcium and magnesium. Crystal twinning is common in dolomite. Dolomite forms with the help of sulphate-reducing bacteria and in natural environments rich in organic matter and microbial cell surfaces.
Dolomite is used for ornamental stone, concrete aggregate, a source of magnesium oxide and Pidgeon process for the production of magnesium. It is a vital petroleum reservoir rock. Dolomite is used in the production of float glass and in the ceramic industry as glaze for pottery. It is added to soils as a pH buffer and as a magnesium source. It is also used as the substrate in main aquariums to help buffer changes in pH of the water.
Dolomite is very similar to Calcite, to distinguish between them one must compare the hardness and acid reaction of both.
It helps to strengthen bones, teeth, muscles and the female reproductive system. It reduces the effects of PMS. Pink dolomite is good for Insomnia. Dolomite helps build the body including muscular structure and blood cells. It helps relieve chills and treating disorders associated with adrenal glands and urogenital system. It is a great support for weight loss and regulating the metabolism.
Dolomite encourages charitable actions, generosity and giving of all kinds. It promotes energetic thinking, original thinking, spontaneity, creativity and manifestation. It stops energy leaks from the chakras. It relieves sorrow, loneliness and anxiety. Dolomite helps one achieve calm and centred sense of balance. Dolomite is a stone of moderation; it provides balance and an objective point of view while directing one away from unrealistic dreams to the right path and ones true purpose. It helps open the heard and reminds one to appreciate the small things and mundane experiences. It helps overcome harmful behaviours and habits and supports one in acting in loving way towards one’s body.
Dolomite provides centring and grounding making it a wonderful crystal for meditation.
Anhydrite – This is our research and findings into this mineral, also known as Angelite
Origin – the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Anhydrite is a Sulfates mineral of soft blue. Sulfides have a sulfur atom surrounded by four oxygen atoms that form a square. Aside from Gypsum and Baryte, which are the main Sulfide types, the rest are increasingly rare and that includes Anhydrite.
When Gypsum loses water it turns into Anhydrite which is usually found in salt deposits formed in blocks of course crystalline. Anhydrite is normally found as a colourless brown crystal. The pale blue version is more rare and is known as Angelite.
All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Angelite crystals belong to the Orthohombic system.
History – the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
The known history of Anhydrite is recent in times as the name was given by A.G. Werner in 1804 due to the absence of water of crystallization compared to its presence in Gypsum.
Anhydrite was first documented during the globally synchronised meditation event named the Harmonic Conversion in 1987.
Specification – the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Anhydrite is only enhanced through cutting, tumbling and polishing. It is of a soft blue | white in colour and the true versions are only believed to be found in Peru encapsulating a deeper blue colour.
Varieties – a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Anhydrite is formed from Sulfates of which there are around 200 types including Gypsum and Baryte.
A rare variety is Anhydrite of which the pale blue version is known as Angelite.
Esoteric Attributes – a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.
Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.
The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Angelite crystals.
Mental: Anhydrite helps to end brooding and give calmness to thought whilst dissipating obsessions. It is helpful in group communication and aids lucidity in dream interpretation.
Emotional: Anhydrite is an aid to overcoming insecurity and it helps to withstand psychic strain. It strenghthens the ability to overcome confusion and pain when caused by cruelty.
Physical: Anhydrite aids in the stimulation of the kidney function and water balance. It assists in the reduction of oedema.
Crystal Chart – Anhydrite
Crystal: Anhydrite
Mineralogy: Anhydrous calcium sulphate
Geometric form: Orthohombic
Formation: Secondary
Family: Sulfate, Anhydrite
Birthstone: Astrology Birthstone (Zodiac) -Angelite is associated with the astrological sign of Aquarius
Apperance: A soft stone, easily chipped with a beautiful blue hue.
Aura: Angelite removes the obstacles in the Aura to assist in the connection of higher vibration information allowing greater spiritual growth and enhanced intuition.
Colour: Pale Blue hue sometimes with white.
Chakra: Anhydritehelps to unblock the upper Chakras allowing for greater communication to the lower chakras. It is associated with the throat chakra.
International Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001
Origin – the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Apophyllite is a water containing sheet silicate and the name refers to a specific group of phyllosilicates.
The group name originally refered to a single mineral however in 1978 it was changed to represent a class of minerals that contain a similar chemical formation.
Apophyllite is a secondary mineral found in vesicles in basalt or other volcanic rocks. They are found globaly in mineral areas such as Jalgaon, India; the Harz Mountains of Germany, Mont Saint-Hilaire in Canada, and Kongsberg, Norway, with other locations in Scotland, Ireland, Brazil, Japan, and throughout the United States.
All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Apophyllite crystals belong to the Tetragonal system.
History – the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Derived from a Greek meaning, the name Apophyllite refers to the term ‘flaking’ which connects with the class’s habit of flaking apart in the heat, due to water loss.
Apopyllites are popular with gem collectors as they are abundant and well defined and are produced in a variety of colours.
Specification – the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Apophyllites are naturally forming pyramidal structures that when tumbled can form natural pyramids. They have the beautiful ability to refract light in deep rainbow colours.
Varieties – a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
There main varieties of Apophyllite include
Fluorapophllite NA (formerly natroapophyllite)
Esoteric Attributes – a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.
Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.
The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Apophyllite crystals.
Mental: Apophyllite crystals are said to offer respite after moments of momentous exertion.
Emotional: Apophyllite crystals are an aid to the release of oppressed emotions. They assist in relieving fear, pressure and the hemmed in feelings that can sometimes be repressed.
Physical: Apophyllite crystals are strong in the relief of the respiratory tract along with asthma and allergies. It also aids in skin problems and any issues with nerves.
Prismatic, tabular with uneven fracture. Vitreous; pearly
Apophyllite crystals help to open a conscious connection between the spiritual and physical worlds. It aids clear sight through its high vibrations which also develops intuition and future sightings.
Usually white or colourless but can also be blue, green, brown, yellow, pink and violet.
Apophyllite act with the Third Eye and Crown chakras and aid reception to spiritual energy.
International Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001
Origin – the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Aragonite is a carbonate mineral that is a naturally occuring crystal form of calcium carbonate CaCO3. The formation occurs from both physical and biological processes which includes the precipitation from the freshwater and sea water environments.
Aragonite is a secondary formation has a different crystal lattice to calcite which is defined by its orthorhombic system with acicular crystals that is repeatedly twinned to result in pseudo-hexagonal forms. It may also be columnar or appear in stalactitic form.
Aragonite forms naturally in mollusk shells and because the mineral deposition in these shells are strongly controlled biologically, they can differ in formation to inorganic Aragonite.
All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Aragonite crystals belong to the Orthorhombic system.
History – the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Aragonite is a recent crystal that was noted in the Spanish area of Aragon. It was named for this location in 1790.
The crystal is found globally but notably in Mexico and the Czech Republic. As well as a distinctive crystal it is also used to make soil neutralisers and cement. The formation is also vital for the replicarion of reef conditions and is used in aquariums to maintain the natural levels of the PH in the water.
Specification – the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Aragonite can differ in form in its natural state as repeated twinning results in pseudo-hexagonal forms. They can be columnar or fibrous and can also be found as flos-ferri which is a stalatitic form that translates to flowers of iron.
Varieties – a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Esoteric Attributes – a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.
Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.
The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Aragonite crystals.
Mental: Aragonite aids in providing calmness to erratic behaviour and therby increases concentration levels. The crystal supports clarity of communication increased tolerance in difficult situations.
Emotional: Aragonite heps to balance over sensitivity and gives focus when things begin to develop quickly. It is a grounding stone that encourages practicality and reliability.
Physical: Aragonite is an aid to the digestive system. It gives strength to the immune system, bones, muscle and discs and helps to combact nervous spasms. The stone also aids in the strengthening of physical stamina.
Crystal Chart – Aragonite
Calcium Carbonate
Geometric form:
Orthorhombic | Trigonal
Aragonite is not a traditional month Birthstone. It is associated with the Astrological Sign of Capricorn.
Pseudohexagonal, prismatic, columnar, stalactitic with internal banding. Vitreous, subconchoidal and brittle.
Aragonite crystals are often used to clear and activate the channels of the aura allowing for greater expression in communication.
Colours range from brown, red , blue, yellow, white, green and orange.
Aragonite is used with the Root and Earth Chakras to ground and connect. It is also associated with the Crown and Sacral Chakras.
International Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001
Origin – the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Chalcedony is composed of very fine intercations of the quartz and moganite minerals which makes Chacedony a cryptocrystalline form of Silica. Quartz and Moganite both come from the Silica mineral however they have varients in structure, quartz being trigonal and moganite being monoclinic.
Chalcedony forms in masses and can also be found in the Geode formation.
All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Chalcedony crystals, as a result of the intertwining of Quartz and Moganite, belong to both the Trigonal and Monoclinic systems.
History – the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
There are many accounts of how Chalcedony was given the name. Some say it derived from the town of Chalcedon in Asia Minor and others associate it with the Greek word Khalkedon which is found in the Book of Revelation.
It is a hapax legmemon which means that the word appears only once and is not found anywhere else so it is unclear whether the stone is actually the same stone we know today.
The actual name, Chalcedony, derives from the Latin chalcedonius and it is found in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia where it is referred to as a term for a translucid form of Jaspis. Jaspis is an opaque, impure type of silica.
The Mediterranean region used Chalcedony as early as the Bronze Age and it was widely used along the Central Asian trading routes. It was popular as hot wax would not stick to it so it was often used to make impressions for seals.
In the 19th Century the area of Idar Oberstein in Germany became the largest global chalcedony processing centre, receiving agates from as far as Latin America.
Specification – the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Chalcedony can be found as a translucent or semi-transparent stone with a somewhat waxy or vitreous lustre.
It is a hard stone, with a Mohs scale rating of 6-7 yet it is more soluble than Quartz due to its fine grain structure (cryptocrystalline) and its high surface area to volume ratio.
Chalcedony can be found in a number of semi-precious stones and is widely available.
Varieties – a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
There are many different varieties of Chalcedony as it appears in some form in most semi-precious gemstones. The main types include and are not limited to;
Moss Agate
Esoteric Attributes – a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.
Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.
The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Chalcedony crystals.
Mental: Chalcedony crystals have a calming influence and aids in the inward radiation of that calmness. It also helps to relax attention.
Emotional: Chalcedony is a great aid to the acceptance of change and new situations. The crystal gives strength in overcoming resistance.
Physical: Chalcedony is a great strength in the healing of diabetes. It also alleviates the sensitivity sometimes felt as the weather changes. For new mothers, Chalcedony can help to stimulate milk production.
Crystal Chart – Chalcedony
Fibrous Quartz – Silcon dioxide, SiO2
Geometric form:
Trigonal & Monoclinic
Primary | Secondary
Chalcedony is associated with the Astrological signs of Cancer and Sagittarius.
Translucent and semi-transparent with a waxy or vitreous lustre.
Chalcedony Crystals soak up all negativity and releases positive harmony to provide balance across the mind and spirit. It stimulates the channels of communication and telepathy with the spirit world.
Colours range from blue, pink red and white.
Chalcedony is an aid to a variety of Chakras dependant on the colour of the crystal.
International Crystals – References and resources:
Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014
World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001