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Turquoise – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Turquoise is a hydrated phosphate of aluminium and copper. Formed as a secondary mineral, the crystal occurs from the oxidation and weathering of pre-existing minerals where the perculation of acidic aqueous solutions occur.


The stone is mainly found in the veins or fractures of altered volcanic rock (that contains a mixture of secondary minerals, such as chalcopyrite and malachite, in itself) in arid areas.


On occasions sources may be found that originate from hydrothermal processes at high temperature within a significant depth. These formations rise upwards and the secondary minerals are formed as the process cools. This is referred to as a hypogene origin.


The main sources of Turquoise are found in Iran, Sinai and the U.S.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Turquoise crystals belong to the Triclinic system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Turquoise has been revered throughout the ages and is thought to be one of the oldest gems that was first brought into Europe.


It was worn by the Aztecs, the Shan Dynasty of China and the rulers of anicent Egypt amongst other great ancient tribes.


The Aztecs wore turquoise in ceremonial masks and artifacts as well as using it to adorn weaponry and ornamentation. As well as the Aztecs, the Apache, Pueblo and Navajo tribes used it as an amulet as it was thought to promote a sure fire aim in battle.


In Persia and India the gem was used for decoration on headwear and objects of use, like bridles. It was also used in esteemed architectural buidlings like the Taj Mahal.


The gem has been revered for centuries as a talisman were it was believed to be holy and bring good fortune. Evidence of turquoise was found as far back as 3000 BC in ancient egyptian grave sites and was known to have been worn around the wrist and necks of the ancient persians to ward off impending doom and unnatural death.


Turquoise is still a prized gem today and used widely in jewellery and ornamentation.


Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Turquoise has a conchoidal fracture with a waxy to sub vitreous luster. The cleavage is good to perfect and the stone has a bluish white streak. Turquoise measures 5-7 on the Mohs scale hardness rating.


Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Turquoise is a crystal where the variety is mainly determined by the source location. Types include but are not limited to;


  • Persian
  • American
  • Mexican
  • Egyptian
  • Turquoise Matrix



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Turquoise crystals.


Mental: Turquoise is an aid to the identification of the cause of ones happiness or sadness and then to master those emotions.
Emotional: Turquoise is a stone of harmony that makes one more cheerful. The crystal is also a protection against outside or external influences.
Physical: Turquoise is an aid to the alleviation of cramps, stomach pains, gout and rhuematism. It also helps with hyperacidity and exhaustion.


Crystal Chart – Turquoise


Crystal: Turquoise
Mineralogy: Alkaline copper aluminium phosphate
Geometric form: Triclinic
Formation: Secondary
Family: Phosphates
Birthstone: Turquoise is the traditional birthstone of those born in the month of December. The crystal is also associated with the astrological signs of Scorpio, Pisces and Sagittarius.
Appearance: Turquoise has a conchoidal fracture with a waxy to sub vitreous luster. The cleavage is good to perfect and the stone has a bluish white streak. Turquoise measures 5-7 on the Mohs scale hardness rating.
Aura: Turquoise is a healing and protective stone that is used to channel the communicative energies between the spiritual and physical realms.
Colour: Blue to Green hues of colour
Chakra: Turquoise is primarily asssociated with the Throat Chakra where it opens clear communication channels to the heart and releases old behavoiurs that are not required any more. The stone is also associated with the Third Eye Chakra.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Falcons Eye

Falcon’s Eye | Blue Tiger’s Eye – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Blue Tiger’s Eye also known as Falcon’s Eye or Hawks Eye is a member of the Quartz family of minerals of the silicates class.It is a crystal of primary formation which means it was formed from molten magma. This usualy happens in cavities in volcanoes where the combination of chemistry and structural arrangements of mineral deposits, atoms and substances pass from gas or liquid into a solid state or by means of going out of solution by precipitation or evaporation.


Blue Tiger’s Eye is formed when crocidolite (blue asbestos) parrallel veins are pseudomorphously replaced with silica acid.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Blue Tiger’s Eye crystals belong to the Trigonal system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or something, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.

Mined in Australia with othere deposits found in south africa, east asia and the US states of Arizona and California


Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Blue Tiger’s Eye is known for its chatoyancy as it’s fibrous structure emits a silky lustre that appears changeable in shape/pattern as the light reflects on the fibrous bands.


The stone is on the harder side of the Mohs scale with a rating of 6.5-7 and has a fibrous fracture with opaque transaparency. The stones are ususally cut en cabochon so that their reflective chatoyancy is exhibited to its best.

Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Blue Tiger’s Eye is a variety of Tiger’s Eye and is associated with the names;


  • Hawk’s Eye
  • Falcon’s Eye
  • Pietersite



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Blue Tiger’s Eye crystals.


Mental: Blue Tiger’s Eye is a fantastic aid to ensure clarity in decision making. It allows you to assume a full, clear overview of a difficult situation.
Emotional: The crystal is a help for nervousness and inner restlessness. It allows you to let go of inner stress. It is a stone of balance that calms and relieves negativity.
Physical: Blue Tiger’s Eye is an aid to reducing hormonal hyperactivity as it is known to slow down the metabolism. It can relieve pain and help to calm shivering.


Crystal Chart – Blue Tiger’s Eye


Crystal: Blue Tiger’s Eye
Mineralogy: Bluish Black Fibrous Quartz
Geometric form: Trigonal
Formation: Primary (moltan magma)
Family: Quartz | Silicates
Birthstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye is associated with the Astrological signs of Capricorn and Leo.
Apperance:  Fibrous fracture with opaque transaparency. Strong chatoyancy and a Mohs scale rating of 6.5 -7.
Aura: Blue Tiger’s Eye helps to open the channels of clarity around the aura that brings calmness and balance to the energies.
Colour: Blue Tiger’s Eye appears as a striking blueish black colour.
Chakra: The crystal is associated primarily with the Third Eye Chakra and also the throat chakra. It brings clarity and alignment for balance and allows for clear communication.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Hawks Eye




Falcon’s eye is a blue black to blue green opaque gemstone variety of fibrous quartz. All Tiger Eye is chatoyant which derives from the French language for “cat’s eye”. In the middle ages, the Falcons Eye was worn for protection as an amulet against witchcraft, demons and the evil eye.

Some stones with a higher oxidized iron are more bluish brown colour. It is typically multi-coloured with golden stripes or wavy patterns. It is an opaque fibrous aggregate, variety of microcrystalline quartz.  It displays an iridescence that enhances its silky luster.It is a pseudo morph of quartz meaning it changed from one mineral to another over time. Falcon’s eye was once crocidolite and changed to quartz. Crocidolite is a fibrous blue mineral; from the riebeckite family of amphibole silicates. It has a distinct composition, colour and chatoyancy with a silicon dioxide composition. It has a good hardness and durability. It has lower iron content than Tigers Eye.It is always cut to maximise its chatoyancy and associated closely with Tigers Eye and Pietersite.

It is quite rare and therefore not seen in much jewellery only interesting pendants or beaded necklaces. It is often carved for ornamental purposes. Its colour makes it a popular gemstone for men’s jewellery as cuff links or tie racks.

It can be found in many locations around the world like Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Kora, Burma, Namibia, South Africa Spain and the US.


This crystal helps with eye related problems, relief of spinal problems and neck problems; it is also helpful to sinus blockages. Falcons eye helps relieve pain, shivering and hormonal hyperactivity Falcon’s eye crystal helps soothe fears related to travelling; it protects one when travelling in remote areas.


Falcon’s eye has grounding and warming energy. It helps banish the winter blues. It helps with nervousness and inner restlessness. It makes it easy to retain overview in complex situations. It helps us to understand our own life –plan. It encourages understanding of complex and seemingly random events. It strengthens the decision making process, willpower and courage. It helps to speak more and gain more confidence.


It is a Shamanic stone, helpful to anyone undertaking a magical journey, astral trip or spiritual challenge. It helps deepen meditation, see the truth in order to grow and attune the third eye.


Mineral : Silicon Dioxide
Geometric Form : Trigonal
Formation : Primary
Family: Quartz
Colour Ray: Brown gold
Birthstone: Gemini
Appearance: Opaque silky lustre
Aura: Brown gold
Colour: Blue grey black
Chakra: Base





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Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli – International Crystals Encyclopedia 
Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Lapis Lazuli is a vibrant, deep blue coloured rock whose significant component is lazurite which is a feldspathoid silicate mineral.

It can also contain pyrite, sodalite and calcite as well as mica, hornblende, augite and diopside among other constituents. The stone occurs as a result of contact metamorphism in crystalline marble.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Lapis Lazuli does not belong to a particular crystal system as it is a rock. Its main component, Lazurite, occurs as a dodecahedra.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Lapis Lazuli was mined as far back as the 7th Millenium BC in the Sar-i-Sang mines in the Badakhstan region of northeast Afghanistan. 

It has been found in beads in Neolithic burials and was said to have appeared in the form of eyebrows on the funeral mask of King Tutankhamun.


On export to Europe in the middle ages, the stone was ground and used as a deep blue pigment which was employed by the important artists of the Renaissance and Baroque such as Perugino and Vermeer. It was also used on the clothing of these figures; a prime example being the cloak of the Virgin Mary.


Significant sources of Lapiz Lazuli are found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chile and Russia.



Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Lapiz Lazuli has an uneven conchoidal fracture and appears with a dull luster. The stone has a gravity of 2.7-2.9 and a hardness rating on the Mohs scale of 5-5.5. 

It is prized for its intense colour which is caused by the presence of the S3 radical anion and is synthesised, for commercial purposes, using the Gibson process of simulation.


When polished, Lapiz Lazuli can be made into ornamentation, carvings, jewellery and other craft items. Its use as a pigment ended in the 19th century when a chemical alternative was formed.


Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
As well as Lapiz Lazuli, the addition of Calcite creates the mineral that is known as Spotted Lapis. 


Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world. 

Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrational frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Lapis Lazuli crystals.


Mental: Lapis Lazuli helps one to express the truth clearly and with clarity. It enables moderation of discussion and communication when angry.
Emotional: Lapis Lazuli enhances the ability to be social. It also drives honesty, friendship and dignity.
Physical: Lapis Lazuli helps with the thyroid, nervous and immune system. It regulates the thyroid gland and aids with problems of the nerves, brain, throat, vocal cords and larnyx.


Crystal Chart – Lapis Lazuli


Crystal: Lapis Lazuli
Mineralogy: Lasurite Rock: Lattice Silicate
Geometric form: Cubic
Formation: Tertiary
Family: Metamorphic Rock
Birthstone: Lapis Lazuli is associated with the astrological signs of Sagittarius and Libra.
Appearance: Lapiz Lazuli has an uneven conchoidal fracture and appears with a dull luster. The stone has a gravity of 2.7-2.9 and a hardness rating on the Mohs scale of 5-5.5. 
Aura: Lapis Lazuli is a protector and shield against negative energies and psychic attack. It delivers negative energy back to its source.
Colour: Deep blue, can have gold, white, gray and indigo inflections.
Chakra: Lapis Lazuli is strongly associated with the Throat Chakra as it strengthens and clears verbal communication and expression.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Dioptase – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Dioptase is a relatively uncommon copper cyclosilicate that forms as a secondary mineral within copper sulfide mineral deposits that occur with an oxidized zone.


It is uncommon as it only occurs in dry climates where acids are buffered by carbonate and, over time, tiny, minute particles of silica reacts with dissolved copper to form the crystal.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Dioptase crystals belong to the Trigonal system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Dioptase has a documentated history that stretches back to around 7200 BC. This is known due to the discovery at Ain Ghazal of three pre-neolithic B lime plaster statues known as Noah, Heifa and Micah. The statues’ eyes were highlighted at the edges with the green Dioptase.


Khazakstan deposits were discovered in the late 18th Century in copper mines that contained veins of emerald green, transparent crystals. It was orignally thought to be emeralds but on analysis it was determined that it was too soft.


The crystal was eventually named by the French mineralogist, Fr Rene Just Hauy, after the Greek terms dia and optos. These terms mean through and visible and refer to the duo of cleavage directions that can be seen in unbroken types of Dioptase.


Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Dioptase has a cleavage that is perfect in three directions. It is transparent to transluscent with a vitreous luster. The stone has a conchoidal fracture and is very brittle with a mid hardness on the Mohs scale of 5.


The stone is popular with collectors and is sometimes used to create small gems that are emerald like in appearance. It is not used extensively in jewellery due to its brittleness and fragility. It can also be ground into a pigment for painting.



Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Dioptase is a unique stone that is likened to an emerald due to its colour and is also associated with the Chrysocolla crystal.




Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Dioptase crystals.


Mental: Dioptase is a creative stone that opens up unlimited ideas for creativity. It unleashes the hidden potential of a person.
Emotional: Dioptase brings on intensive dreams and hidden depths of feelings and emotion. It is an aid to projecting self-perception and outward perception in the right way.
Physical: Dioptase is an aid to the alleviation of cramps and pains. The stone is also used to fortify the liver.


Crystal Chart – Dioptase


Crystal: Dioptase
Mineralogy: Hydrous Copper Ring Silicate
Geometric form: Trigonal
Formation: Secondary
Family: Silicate
Birthstone: Dioptase is associated with the Astrological signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Apperance: Vitreous luster with a conchoidal fracture. Dioptase has a three direction, perfect cleavage and is transluscent to transparent with a brittle, fragile tenacity.
Aura: Dioptase brings balance to the Aura providing enhancement to the meditative state and smoothing the channels for the energy flow within.
Colour: Dioptase appears with a vibrant green colour, similar to that of the emerald..
Chakra: Dioptase is associated with the Heart Chakra. It is used to clear and enhance all the Chakras to a higher awareness level.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Azurite – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Azurite is a crystal of secondary formation that is formed from copper carbonate and found in the upper oxidised portions of copper ore. It is often found mixed with another copper carbonate mineral, Malachite which has a bright green colour compared to the deep blue of the Azurite.


The crystal can be produced in smaller forms by quickly mixing a few drops of copper sulfate solution with a saturated solution of sodium carbonate and leaving it to settle overnight. The weathering of copper ore deposits produces the natural version of Azurite.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Agate crystals belong to the Monoclinic system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.

Azurite has been known of since Ancient times and was mentioned under the Greek name Kuanos in Pliny the Elder’s Natural History. It was known as the Stone of Heaven by the ancient Chinese who believed it opened the channels and gateways to the Celestial realms. It was also respected by the Greeks and the Romans for its healing power and insight.


The stone was revered by the early Egyptians, Mayans, early Americans and the people of Atlantis for the higher wisdom properties it was thought to possess. In fact the Native Americans used it to contact their spiritual guide to enable them to understand the sacred messages that were imparted.



Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.

Azurites appear to the naked eye as dark blue prismatic crystals. This soft stone can dissipate in colour as weathering occurs over time.


It has been used as a colour pigment through the ages and can be seen in paintings from the middle ages. It is occasionaly used as a jewellery stone and the crafting of beads however its softness and heat reducing colour acts as a deterrent for this purpose to be wholly popular. Instead it is coveted by collectors who advise to store it in a setting similar to its natural one in a sealed, dark and cool storage environment.



Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
There are no varieties of Azurite, instead the stone is sometimes mistaken for lapis lazuli .


Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Azurite crystals.


Mental: Azurite is said to increase self- awareness and recognition making you increasingly critical and reflective.
Emotional: Azurite aids in the ability to sort out the solid ideas from the unexamined ones giving you the ability to discard the adopted ideas and create your own.
Physical: Azurite aids in improving reflexes and is a stimulant to the thyroid gland, brains, nerves and liver.


Crystal Chart – Azurite


Crystal: Azurite
Mineralogy: Alkaline Copper Carbonate Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
Geometric form: Monoclinic
Formation: Secondary
Family: Carbonate
Birthstone: Azurite is the Zodiac stone of Sagittarius and will also have a connection with Taureans.

It is a natural birthstone of those born as the vernal equinox is imminent and in the Spring.

Appearance: A soft stone with a deep blue hue that lightens as it weathers over time. Azurite is tabular, stalactitic, prismatic with a conchoidal fracture and a vitreous lustre.
Aura: Azurites are used by healers to help them open up the channels for clear psychic messages enabling greater energy clearings. It is very harmonic with Blue Ray and rainbow souls.
Colour: Azurite colour is an extremely deep blue that fades when exposed to the heat and light for long periods.
Chakra: Azurites energy opens the pathways to spiritual guidance through attunement with the Third Eye Chakra. It also allows for greater verbal propensity through the Throat Chakra.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Chalcedony – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Chalcedony is composed of very fine intercations of the quartz and moganite minerals which makes Chacedony a cryptocrystalline form of Silica. Quartz and Moganite both come from the Silica mineral however they have varients in structure, quartz being trigonal and moganite being monoclinic.


Chalcedony forms in masses and can also be found in the Geode formation.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Chalcedony crystals, as a result of the intertwining of Quartz and Moganite, belong to both the Trigonal and Monoclinic systems.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
There are many accounts of how Chalcedony was given the name. Some say it derived from the town of Chalcedon in Asia Minor and others associate it with the Greek word Khalkedon which is found in the Book of Revelation.

It is a hapax legmemon which means that the word appears only once and is not found anywhere else so it is unclear whether the stone is actually the same stone we know today.


The actual name, Chalcedony, derives from the Latin chalcedonius and it is found in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia where it is referred to as a term for a translucid form of Jaspis. Jaspis is an opaque, impure type of silica.


The Mediterranean region used Chalcedony as early as the Bronze Age and it was widely used along the Central Asian trading routes. It was popular  as hot wax would not stick to it so it was often used to make impressions for seals.


In the 19th Century the area of Idar Oberstein in Germany became the largest global chalcedony processing centre, receiving agates from as far as Latin America.




Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Chalcedony can be found as a translucent or semi-transparent stone with a somewhat waxy or vitreous lustre.


It is a hard stone, with a Mohs scale rating of 6-7 yet it is more soluble than Quartz due to its fine grain structure (cryptocrystalline) and its high surface area to volume ratio.


Chalcedony can be found in a number of semi-precious stones and is widely available.

Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
There are many different varieties of Chalcedony as it appears in some form in most semi-precious gemstones. The main types include and are not limited to;


  • Agate
  • Aventurine
  • Carnelian
  • Crysoprase
  • Heliotrope
  • Moss Agate
  • Mtorolite
  • Onyx



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Chalcedony crystals.


Mental: Chalcedony crystals have a calming influence and aids in the inward radiation of that calmness. It also helps to relax attention.
Emotional: Chalcedony is a great aid to the acceptance of change and new situations. The crystal gives strength in overcoming resistance.
Physical: Chalcedony is a great strength in the healing of diabetes. It also alleviates the sensitivity sometimes felt as the weather changes. For new mothers, Chalcedony can help to stimulate milk production.


Crystal Chart – Chalcedony


Crystal: Chalcedony
Mineralogy: Fibrous Quartz – Silcon dioxide, SiO2
Geometric form: Trigonal & Monoclinic
Formation: Primary | Secondary
Family: Silicate
Birthstone: Chalcedony is associated with the Astrological signs of Cancer and Sagittarius.
Appearance: Translucent and semi-transparent with a waxy or vitreous lustre.
Aura: Chalcedony Crystals soak up all negativity and releases positive harmony to provide balance across the mind and spirit. It stimulates the channels of communication and telepathy with the spirit world.
Colour: Colours range from blue, pink red and white.
Chakra: Chalcedony is an aid to a variety of Chakras dependant on the colour of the crystal.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Charoite – International Crystals Encyclopedia 
Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
The Charoite crystal is very rare and reportedly only recently discovered in the last 100 years. 

It is a silicate mineral that is produced as a potassium feldspar metasomatite when a syenite of the Murunskii Massif intrudes into limestone deposits, thus forming and altering the said deposits. The crystal occurs in association with canasite and tinaksite.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Charoite crystals belong to the Monoclinic system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Charoite was reportedly discovered in the 1940’s yet was only documented officially in 1978. 

There are two explanations for how the crystal obtained its name. One is due to its location being close to the Chara River area of Russia, whilst another explanation is that the name deriviation is from the word Chary which means charms or magic in Russian. The main deposits are located in the Murun mountains of Russia.



Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Charoite appears as spiraly strands of fibrous type material and the colours range from dark purple to lilac with wavy streaks of various colour associated with orange tinaksite, black augite and transparent microline feldspar. 

The crystal appears as vitreous to pearly and has a choncoidal fracture. It is sometimes transluscent and can employ a weak fluorescence.


The stone is very attractive and is used extensively in jewellery and also in carvings for boxes and vases.



Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Charoite is a very distinct crystal and so is not usually associated with types or varieties. It can sometimes appear similar to stones like: 

  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Sodalite
  • Sugilite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Pietersite



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world. 

Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Charoite crystals.


Mental: Charoite helps to make sense of huge mountains of work and enables you to tackle it more easily. It is also a powerful aid when making important decisions.
Emotional: Charoite helps to alleviate the obstacles that may come your way. It also is an aid in overcoming obsessions. The crystal also helps in relaxation.
Physical: Charoite crystals are fantastic in the alleviation of painful muscle cramps. The crystal provides pain relief and helps to soothe the nerves.


Crystal Chart – Charoite


Crystal: Charoite
Mineralogy: Mineral rich Sheet Silicate
Geometric form: Monoclinic
Formation: Tertiary
Family: Silicate
Birthstone: The Charoite Crystal is associated with the Astrological signs of Scorpio, Virgo and Sagittarius.
Appearance: The crystal can appear transluscent with a vitreous to pearly lustre. It has a conchoidal fracture and can be seen with a weak fluorescence.
Aura: Charoite allows the aura to raise energy vibration and open up the Channels to connect with all. It holds you in a state of no mind.
Colour: Colours range from a variety of deep purple to violet, lilac and white.
Chakra: Charoite is restores the balance and unblocks the obstacles to the Crown Chakra. When placed on the Third Eye, the stone is a conduit to knowlege gathering in a dream state.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Chrysocolla – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.

Chrysocolla is a crystal of secondary formation which is formed in the zones of oxidation of bodies of copper ore when the copper is dissolved out of rock by surface water containing silicic acid.


The structure of chrysocolla has been queried as some studies have indicated that the material within Chrysocolla contains chalcedony and copper hydroxide spertiniite yet it is widely specified as a hydrated copper cyclosilicate mineral.


Chrysocolla is mainly found as rounded or botryoidal crusts, masses and vein fillings.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Chrysocolla crystals belong to the Monoclinic system. PDF says Monoclinic yet wiki says Orthorhombic …confirm


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
The term Chrysocolla is derived from two Greek words; Chrys, meaning gold and kolla, meaning glue; first used in 315 BC by Theophrastus.


The descriptive term is thought to be due to the Ancient Greeks using the mineral to fuse and solder gold together.


Other stories tell that Chrysocolla was used by Native Americans as a strength to body resistance and for its healing and calming powers.


Deposits of Chrysocolla are mainly found in Israel, Chile, Russia, Peru, Mexico, Nevada, Zaire and the DR of the Congo.






Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.

Chrysocolla stones are brittle to sectile and are very soft with a Mohs scale rating of 2.5 -3.5. They are dull to vitreous and opaque to transluscent and are found with an uneven, irregular , sub-conchoidal fracture.


As Chrysocolla stones are so soft they are not often used for jewellery, instead they are a fascinating collectors stone due to their attractive colour and appearance.


Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Associated minerals to Chrysocolla include and are not limited to;


  • Limonite
  • Malachite
  • Azurite
  • Quartz
  • Cuprite



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Chrysocolla crystals.


Mental: Chrysocolla is a calming stone that helps to balance and keep cool in mentally trying situations and challenges.
Emotional: The stone is a fantastic aid to alleviate feelings of anger and stress. It also helps with feelings of blame and guilt; allowing you to understand and be aware of the emotional process.
Physical: Chrysocolla alleviates menstrual pain, cramps and fevers. The stone also strengthens the liver and soothes burns, scars and sore throats.


Crystal Chart – Chrysocolla


Crystal: Chrysocolla
Mineralogy: Hydrous Copper Ring Silicate
Geometric form: Monoclinic
Formation: Secondary
Family: Silicate
Birthstone: Chrysocolla is associated with the Astrological signs of Taurus, Virgo and Gemini.
Appearance: Brittle to sectile, vitreous to dull with a sub-conchoidal, uneven fracture.
Aura: Chrysocolla works as an energizer for the aura. It helps to restore balance when your levels are low. The stone dispels negative energies and promotes development and growth.
Colour: Colours range from white to beautiful hues of green, blue and teal.
Chakra: Chrysocolla crystals are aligned to the Heart Chakra to balance and strengthen truth and the Throat Chakra for wise communication.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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Copper – International Crystals Encyclopedia


Originthe place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.
Copper is a precious metal that has a red/orange metallic luster. It is present in the earth’s crust and can be found as a polycrystal.


The majority of copper is extracted from huge open pit mines as copper sulfides, it can also be found in crystals such as chalcocite and chalcopyrite, copper carbonates like malachite and azurite and cuprite which is classed as a copper oxide. The metal can also be extracted through the in-situ leach process which involves hydraulic drilling with a leaching solution to pump the copper to the surface.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Copper belongs to the face –centered Cubic system.


Historythe past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
Copper has been used for over 10,000 years and has a history that can date back to the oldest civilizations. It is estimated that it was discovered in the Middle East as a pendant of copper was found in Northern Iraq that dates back to 8700 BC.


It is said that copper smelting was implemented in China around or before 2800 BC, in Central America around 600 AD and estimated at around 9th/10th AD in West Africa. A male, named when found as Otzi the Iceman, was thought to date back to 3300 BC and was discovered with a copper headed axe. His hair contained high levels of arsenic which was thought to suggest his involvement in copper smelting from that time.


Today copper is so widely used that concern has been raised over its reserves. Copper is recyclable and is used as an electricity conductor among many other things. Copper bracelets are widely used to ward off arthiritic symptoms.




Specificationthe act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
Copper appears alongside Silver and Gold in Group 11 of the Periodic table. It has a filled d-electron shell with a one s-orbital electron placed on top of it.

Copper is extremely soft and has a high thermal conductivity which is a factor in its extremely high electrical conductivity. It is usually fine grained in polycrystalline form and has a high ductility in single crystals.


Varietiesa number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Copper appears commonly as a compound, alloy or oxide. There are many different varieties of these.



Esoteric Attributesa quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Copper crystals.


Mental: Copper is said to instill a sense of justice whilst it also lends itself to playful and fun creativity.
Emotional: Copper brings harmony and a sense of beauty to all. It offers love for all human beings.
Physical: Copper is well known as an arthiritic healing aid. It also strengthens the brain and liver and alleviates muscle cramps and menstrual pain. It is used for fertility purposes too.


Crystal Chart – Copper


Crystal: Copper
Mineralogy: Natural Element
Geometric form: Cubic
Formation: Secondary
Family: Native
Birthstone: Copper is associated with the Astrological signs of Taurus and Sagittarius.
Apperance: Soft, fine fibrous pollycrystalline.
Aura: Copper is a conductor of energies of all things spiritual. It provides balance, synchronicity and opens up communication channels.
Colour: The colour copper is a distinct reddish brown.
Chakra: Copper is associated with the Root Chakra and secondary to the Sacral Chakra. It works with all the Chakras to draw in higher energies and open communication channels.




International Crystals – References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary




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covellite32429b                 0b60ba639fbe047f8288b43f99fcb0f6



Covellite derives its name from its founder Nicholas Covelli who first found them in Italy. Covellite is a rare copper sulphide mineral. It is a copper based stone. The mineral is associated with chalcocite. It is commonly found with and occurs as coatings on chalcocite, chalcopyrite, bornite, enargite and pyrite.

It is commonly found as a secondary copper mineral in deposits. It forms in weathering environments near the surface in deposits where copper is the primary sulphide. It also forms as descending surface water in the supergene enrichment zone oxidizes and redeposits covellite on hypogene sulphides. Covellite has a unique crystal structure due to the conditions of its formation. It is restricted to hydrothermal conditions. It undergoes a complex oxidation process which depends on the state and history of its sulphides. Ammonium metavanadate is an important catalyst for covellites solid state transformation from other copper sulphides. It occurs as thin platy hexagonal crystals and rosettes also massive to granular.

It ranges in colour from dark blue to black with a shimmer of gold or red colour on the surface. Sometimes there are hints of a purple rose iridescence. Covellite can be found in Montana in USA, Italy, Germany, Sardinia, Wales, Alaska and Peru.


Covellite improves feeling of well-being, harmonises stress and rest and promotes ingestion, detoxification and sexuality. It heals problems with the ears, nose, mouth and sinuses. It eliminates toxins and removes dense energies.


Covellite is a stone to transform your dreams into reality. It enhances positivity and brings miracles into your life. It promotes self-love, self-recognition and helps with discontentment, arrogance and vanity. It helps accept oneself as one is. It helps find solutions to problems and ways to accomplish goals. It relieves despondency, depression and anxiety.

It enhances intuitive and psychic abilities. It strengthens the connection to the higher self.


It stimulates the third eye energies making it a wonderful stone to use during the dream stone, it enhances dreams and helps remember details about them. As a copper based stone it has a natural ability to pull out stuck energy, unhealthy mental and physical patterns, emotional traumas and any lower energy that no longer serves us.




Mineral : Sulphides
Geometric Form : Hexagonal
Formation : Secondary
Family: Sulphides
Colour Ray: Blue
Birthstone: Libra Sagittarius
Appearance: Blue Iridescent
Aura: Blue
Colour: Blue
Chakra: Third Eye





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